3.3.1 Why Do Organisations Introduce EIdM?
EIdM projects are no ends in themselves, as they are introduced to obtain a specific goal. Amongst a variety of driving factors and reasons for introducing EIdM into an organisation,179 the following primary and secondary reasons taken from the interviews seem to be the most prevalent reasons being named by the experts180:
• Primary goals:
◦ Compliance goals (constraint for organisations)
◦ Business-related goals (e.g., efficiency, automation of processes, general cost reduction, accounting for IT costs)
• Secondary goals:
◦ Risk management/IT security goals
◦ Enabler for new business opportunities
The presented primary and secondary goals are not mutually exclusive.181 Overlaps and synergies can for example occur in cases where organisations seek to comply with relevant laws by introducing a EIdMS. In the course of the introduction and the proceeding re-organisation of the organisational IT and related processes, better efficiency can be gained due to clean-ups and streamlining of process once being fragmented. Also other overlaps in goals can be achieved; however, these depend on the individual setting being analysed.
(Royer, 2013, p. 46-47)