Onyszko, 2021

What to do after Microsoft Identity Manager?



Onyszko, T.




MIM (formerly Forefront Identity Manager, and Identity Lifecycle Manager before that) is a widely used service for managing user lifecycles and access rights in Active Directory.

Right now, it is moving into well-earned retirement phase. But don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world. There are tools you can use in its place, and there’s still time to move to another service.

(https://open-measure.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BIB/pages/1845952513 )


Onyszko, T., 2021. What to do after Microsoft Identity Manager? Predica. URL https://www.predicagroup.com/blog/microsoft-identity-manager-end-of-life/ (accessed 8.28.21).

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