Orphan (Dictionary Entry)



Definition 1 Compute Science

In Computer Science, the term orphan may refer to the abbreviated form of multiple distinct concepts:

  • Orphan Account Computer Science, Cybersecurity, IAM

  • Orphan File Computer Science, Operating System

  • Orphan Object Computer Science, Memory Management

  • Orphan Process Computer Science, Operating System

  • Orphan Product IT Service Management

  • Orphan Role Computer Science, Cybersecurity, IAM

  • Orphan Routes / APIs Computer Science, Cybersecurity, Application Management

  • Orphan System IT Service Management

Definition 2 Computer Science

A process or computation without recipient.

Definition 3 Digital Forensics

A data fragment that is no longer linked to its normal structure, such as a deleted file.

Related Terms


As an example, Forensic Toolkit (FTK) recovers deleted files and folders from ext2 file systems into an area called “[orphan],” organizing and displaying the recovered data in a way that facilitates examination.

(, p. 569)

orphan a process or computation for which no recipients exist.

(, p. 351)


See Also

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