Flexibility (Dictionary Entry)
Contexts | Science |
Term | Flexibility |
Alternative Forms | N/A |
Definitions | The capacity to seek out, recognize and exploit errors - especially one’s own - or discrepancies between what tentative theory suggests should be and what practice says is so. |
Related Terms |
2.2 Flexibility
On this view efficient scientific iteration evidently requires unhampered feedback. The iterative scheme shown as a feedback loop in Figure A (2). In any feedback loop it is, of course, the error signal - for example, the discrepancy between what tentative theory suggests should be so and what practice says is so - that can produce learning. The good scientist must have the flexibility and courage to seek out, recognize, and exploit such errors - especially his own. In particular, using Bacon’s analogy, he must not be like Pygmalion and fall in love with his model.
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