OM-IND-0030: Approved Access Request Lead Time (Indicator)

OM-IND-0030: Approved Access Request Lead Time (Indicator)




Approved Access Request Lead Time






Average lead time of completed (non-cancelled) instances of the access request process during the period.


Lead Time

The amount of time between the access request submission time and the access provisioning completion time, including any necessary validation or other necessary steps.

Completed (non-cancelled) access request

A process instance that has been completed but not cancelled (i.e. the access has been effectively provisioned).

Access Request Process

Add link to access request process.


The period being analyzed, depends on the frequency of the indicator reporting but typically monthly or weekly.


This indicator gives a sense of the amount of time required to approve and provision an access request.

The number of validation or other pre-provisioning steps may have a significant impact on lead times.

The sequential or parallel positioning of validation or other pre-provisioning steps may have a significant impact on lead times.

The manual or automated processing of provisioning steps may also have a significant impact on lead times.

When provisioning is automated, whether provisioning is instantely queued or managed in batches (e.g. overnight) may have a significant impact on lead times.

In summary, this indicator is an invitation to enhance the productivity of the access request process.


Averages are hiding the underlying distribution and its dispersion.

First, it may be necessary to look at workflow validation steps. Obviously, the processing of an access request that requires two sequential validation steps will take longer that the processing of an access request that requires two parallel validation steps.

Second, low and high variances could both lead to the same average lead times but would be a completely different story in terms of managing the access request process.

If access requests are automatically cancelled after a certain amount of time, this will be hidden from the indicator. For instance, if worker X asks submits a request for access A, here request may get automatically cancelled. If worker X insists and submits the same request a second time, the lead time will not account for the first failed attempt.


Let P = (pstart, pend) be the period of time being analyzed with pstart the period start time and pend the period end time.

Let I be the set of completed (non-cancelled) access request process instances whose provisioning completion time were within P.

Let n = |I| be the number of process instances in I.

Let S = s1, s2, s3, …, sn be the set of access request submission times of I.

Let C = c1, c2, c3, …, cn be the set of provisioning completion times of I.

The formula for the indicator is then: y = .

Technical Datasheet









Duration (hours or days)

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