
Open-Measure is an open-source, not-for-profit initiative of peer Identity and Access Management (IAM) professionals who wish to share experiences, co-develop useful content, design standard performance indicators and generally advance the profession. While the original focus of this project was on the Identity and Access Management (IAM) domain, the project is designed in such a way as to allow future extensions.

What’s in it for you?

  • A catalog of well documented standard performance indicators

  • A catalog of well documented generic processes

  • A catalog of well documented generic program stakeholders

  • A specialized dictionary of technical terms substantiated by literature references

  • A great bibliography of key academic and non-academic references

And on top of this, our content is free and open-source!

What’s in it for us?

According to your suitability, you may:

  • Ask insightful questions,

  • Suggest improvements,

  • Author content,

  • Sharing performance indicators,

  • Exchange benchmarking data,

  • Fill in research surveys.

Soon to come…

  • Benchmarking data

  • Standard controls and control mappings

  • And whatever our community of professionals will want to work on…

More Information


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This wiki is owned by Open Measure, a non-profit association. The original content we publish is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.