Pöhn et al., 2021

Towards Improving Identity and Access Management with the IdMSecMan Process Framework



Pöhn, D., Seeber, S., Hanauer, T.

Ziegler, J., Schmitz, D.




Talk of the accepted paper in the Workshop CyberTIM 2021 at the ARES 2021 conference by the authors Daniela Pöhn, Sebastian Seeber (Universität der Bundeswehr München, Research Institute CODE, Germany), Tanja Hanauer (Cancom GmbH, Germany), Jule Ziegler, David Schmitz (Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, Germany).

Check out our websites: https://www.ares-conference.eu/ https://cd-make.net/ The ARES & CD-MAKE 2021 is powered by SBA Research: https://www.sba-research.org/

(, accessed 31 August 2021)



Pöhn, D., Seeber, S., Hanauer, T., Ziegler, J., Schmitz, D., 2021. ARES 2021 - Towards Improving Identity and Access Management with the IdMSecMan Process Framework, ARES & CD-MAKE Conference.

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