David Doret
Saved on 15-42-2020
Saved on 15-26-2020
Joiner Process Average Lead Time per Period
Average lead time of completed (non-cancelled) instances of the joiner process during the period.
Lead Time: The amount of time between the joiner hire notification time and the joiner start time. Cf. Joiner Lead Time (Dictionary Entry).
Completed (non-cancelled) instance:A process instance that has been completed but not cancelled (i.e. the joiner effectively joined the organization).
Joiner Process: Cf. Joiner Process (Process - IAM).
Period: The period being analyzed, depends on the indicator reporting frequency but typically monthly or weekly.
LetP = (pstart, pend) be the period of time being analyzed withpstartthe period start time and pendthe period end time.
Let I be the set of completed (non-cancelled) joiner process instances whose joiner start date were within P.
Let n = |I| be the number of joiner process instances in I.
Let H = h1, h2, h3, …, hn be the set of hire notification times of I.
Let S = s1, s2, s3, …, sn be the set of start times of I.
The formula for the indicator is then: y = .
Duration (hours or days)
Weekly, Monthly
Joiner Process (Process - IAM)