Cloud Identity Management System (Dictionary Entry)

Cloud Identity Management System

Alternative Forms


Numerous Cloud Identity Management Systems (IDMSs) have been proposed so far; however, most of those systems are neither widely accepted nor considered highly reliable due to their constraints in terms of scope, applicability and security.

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Cloud based Identity Management Systems (IDMSs) differ from the traditional IDMSs in that they require dynamic governance of provisioning, de-provisioning, synchronization, entitlement, scalability and access control (Gopalakrishnan 2009; Jansen 2011). In addition to this, Cloud IDMSs are required to have updated and synchronized identity information to avoid any conflicts caused by the usage of old user data. Management of sensitive identity information in the Cloud environment raises many privacy and confidentiality concerns. Moreover, security requirements vary from CSC to CSC; therefore, it is very important to choose the most suitable identity management system that best supports the CSC’s security requirements.


See Also

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