Centralized Identity Management System (Dictionary Entry)

Centralized Identity Management System (Dictionary Entry)

Centralized Identity Management System

Alternative Forms

  • Centralized IdMS Acronym


Definition 1

A Centralized Identity Management System is a system where a single Identity Service Provider centrally manages all identities of multiple Service Providers.

It is distinct from an Isolated Identity Management System because it is composed of multiple Service Providers.

It is distinct from a Federated Identity Management System because it is composed of a single Identity Service Provider.

Related Terms


Centralized Cloud IDMS Centralized Cloud identity management system is slightly different from the isolated IDMS, since it separates the functions of SP and IdP. In a centralized IDMS, a single IdP (a trusted third party) is responsible for the issuance, storage and management of identity data (Cao and Yang 2010; Jøsang et al. 2005; Windley 2005). As a first step, IdP collects all the identity information from CSPs to manage centrally. Later, (1.1) CSC sends an authentication request to CSP, (2.1) Authn request is redirected to the concerned IdP, (2.2) Authn response is sent back to the CSP (1.2) CSC will receive the Authn response (either successful or an error message), as depicted in Figure 4. Typically, single CSC may avail the services of different CSPs that may have a common IdP. In this scenario, CSPs and CSCs are required to have a common trusted IdP since it is responsible for the handling of sensitive identity credentials. An obvious drawback of the centralized IDMS model is single point of failure.


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