Faraji et al., 2014

Faraji et al., 2014

Identity Access Management for Multi-tier Cloud Infrastructure






Faraji, M., Kang, J.-M., Bannazadeh, H., Leon-Garcia, A.



2014 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS)




This paper presents a novel architecture to manage identity and access (IAM) in a Multi-tier cloud infrastructure, in which most services are supported by massive-scale data centres over the Internet. Multi-tier cloud infrastructure uses tier-based model from Software Engineering to provide resources in different tires. In this paper we focus on design and implementation of a centralized identity and access management system for the multitier cloud infrastructure. First, we discuss identity and access management requirements in such an environment and propose our solution to address these requirements. Next, we discuss approaches to improve performance of the IAM system and make it scalable to billions of users. Finally, we present experimental results based on the current deployment in the SAVI Testbed. We show that our IAM system outperforms the previously proposed IAM systems for cloud infrastructure by factor 9 in throughput when the number of users is small, it handle about 50 times more requests in peak usage. Because our architecture is a combination of Green-thread and load balanced process, it uses less systems resources, and easily scales up to address high number of requests.



Faraji, M., Kang, J.-M., Bannazadeh, H., Leon-Garcia, A., 2014. Identity Access Management for Multi-tier Cloud Infrastructures, in: 2014 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS). Presented at the NOMS 2014 - 2014 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, IEEE, Krakow, Poland, pp. 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1109/NOMS.2014.6838229


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