Webb et al., 2008

Social Honeypots: Making Friends With A Spammer Near You


Conference Paper




Webb, S., Caverlee, J., Pu, C.




CEAS 2008 - The Fifth Conference on Email and Anti-Spam, Mountain View, California, USA



Social networking communities have become an important communications platform, but the popularity of these communities has also made them targets for a new breed of social spammers. Unfortunately, little is known about these social spammers, their level of sophistication, or their strategies and tac- tics. Thus, in this paper, we provide the first characterization of social spammers and their behaviors. Concretely, we make two contributions: (1) we introduce social honeypots for tracking and monitoring social spam, and (2) we report the results of an analysis per- formed on spam data that was harvested by our social honeypots. Based on our analysis, we find that the behaviors of social spammers exhibit recognizable temporal and geo- graphic patterns and that social spam content contains various distinguishing characteristics. These results are quite promising and suggest that our analysis techniques may be used to automatically identify social spam.

(, p. 1)



Webb, S., Caverlee, J., Pu, C., 2008. Social Honeypots: Making Friends With A Spammer Near You. Presented at the CEAS 2008 - The Fifth Conference on Email and Anti-Spam, Mountain View, California, USA, p. 11.


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