Milgate, 2006

Milgate, 2006


Blog Post


Identity and Access Management: The Identity Dictionary


Milgate, A.




Milgate, A., 2006. Identity and Access Management: The Identity Dictionary. Blogger. URL http://identityaccessman.blogspot.com/2006/08/identity-dictionary.html (accessed 9.4.18).




100 (or so) technical terms for the common understanding of IAM

In this fast-moving world where standards are being developed even as solutions are being implemented, it is essential that technologists world-wide understand what each other is saying.

This dictionary is a simple and practical aid to understanding the complex discussions of technical concepts in relation to Identity and Access Management (and only that). I have compiled it over a number of years, as I make my living managing some of the world’s largest and most complex leading edge Identity Management projects , for financial, government and educational organisations.

It is not an attempt to create any standards in IAM concepts and terms; it would probably not achieve this on the broader stage due to language differences and changes in common usage over time.

Feel free to disagree, or to suggest additons to this list.


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