Role Cardinality Activation Control (Dictionary Entry)

Role Cardinality Activation Control (Dictionary Entry)

Role Cardinality Activation Control

Alternative Forms


Definition 1

A minimal and/or maximal cardinality allowed for a role at any given time.

Role Cardinality Activation Control may refer to both lower and upper bound limits while Role Capacity is more restrictive and refers to an upper bound limit.


The business manager Bob explained his requirement to the role engineer Alice: at any given time, at least 4 people shall be authorized to validate purchase orders. Having less people than that would constitute an operational risk for the business. Alice thought: “I should configure a cardinality activation control on that role, like this Bob will be immediately notified if the role cardinality falls under the threshold“.

Related Terms


5.3. Activation controls

Activation controls limit when a principal may assume a role. These controls generally concern how many principals may simultaneously be in the role, or which roles may be active simultaneously. We categorize an activation control as either a mutual exclusion control or a cardinality control.


A cardinality activation control prevents more than N different principals from being active in a role simultaneously or requires that at least N principals be active in the role.


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