Keycloak OpenId Connect Spring Boot Example

Keycloak OpenId Connect Spring Boot Example

This is a Spring Boot app to test the Keycloak OpenID Connect Authorization Code flow.


The application uses Spring, which includes Java SDK 1.8+ and Apache Maven 3.2+.


You can pull the source of this application and start configuring the parameters of your keycloak in app/src/main/resources/application.yml.

- Make sure you replace `keycloak-client-id` and `keycloak-client-secret` with your keycloak configuration. - Also provide appropriate `<TOKEN_URL>`, `<AUTHORIZATION_URL>` & `<USERINFO_URL>`.

Run the sample

Run the package from your terminal with

mvn spring-boot:run

Your app is available at http://localhost:8082 and you should see the Login button. To begin the login process, click on it.

What can I use these for

OpenID Connect is a perfect way to incorporate user authentication to your application, where you are relying on another party to handle user identity.

In this situation, Keycloak handles the identity of the users, allowing it faster to get up and running

Single Sign On (SSO)

By integrating OpenID Connect via Keycloak, you are building a session that can be used to single sign-on from your custom app to other applications that your users can access via the Keycloak portal.

If you have any queries/you find any problems, please don't hesitate to raise an issue.

Link: GitHub - grootan/keycloak-oidc-java: OpenID Connect using Java | OIDC is essentially a safe method for an application to access an identity provider, collect some user data, and safely return them to the application. The library will help you to interact with IAM. Java provides different APIs that support the application development process. The APIs can be used as commands or collaboration frameworks for different programming operations.

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