[SAMPLE] An Interesting Article (Doe J., 2020)


Page Title

We need to follow a naming convention for page titles because we have a technical constraint in our wiki: page names must be unique. If we consider that several authors may publish articles on the same subject (e.g. “Single Sign-On”), our naming convention should not prevent authors from using similar titles. To facilitate this I propose the following convention: [Title] ([Author], [Year]). A complementary advantage of this convention is that links to the article will naturally make proper attribution.

Page Properties

The table below is contained in a page properties macro. Having this somewhat redundant information at the top of the article makes it possible to publish dynamic lists of published articles by authors, by date, etc. We may extend the number of metadata fields any time in the future.


A Sample Article



26 March 2020


Conditional: the author may provide a short summary / abstract. When the number of published articles will increase, lists of published articles by topics will display the summary making it easier for readers to pick the right articles for their needs.

Article Body

This is where the article content will be published.

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