Extensible Access Control Markup Language (Dictionary Entry)


Extensible Access Control Markup Language

Alternative Forms

  • XACML Acronym


Definition 1


Related Terms

  • Access Control

  • Entitlement

  • Markup Language



XACML has emerged as the consensus choice to be the core standard for entitlement management products. It may not address every use case and detractors will find faults with the standard, but the vendor community is clearly behind XACML in the absence of better alternatives. Every vendor product reviewed in this report supports XACML, plus Microsoft and SAP have made public statements that they are evaluating the standard for potential inclusion in future products. XACML should not be considered the complete solution for all, or even most, entitlement seenarios because vendors incorporate other standards as well as proprietary capabilities to meet customer needs.

(, p. 119)


See Also

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