Entity (Dictionary Entry)
Contexts | IAM |
Term | Entity |
Alternative Forms | Subject |
Definitions | An active agent capable of initiating operations on the information system. An entity may be external to the information system or a component of the information system. An entity may initiate operations on other entities. (e.g. a person modifying the configuration of a batch process). Samples:
Related Terms |
Conceptual Diagram
An entity is a generic term that refers to an active agent capable of initiating or performing a computation of some sort (for example, an end user invoking a command or a program, a programming agent acting on behalf of a user, a running daemon process, a thread of execution, a hosting system, or a networking device).
https://open-measure.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BIB/pages/67600608, p. 21
https://open-measure.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BIB/pages/81101465, p. 30
See Also
Blast Radius (Dictionary Entry) (Dictionary)
Entity (Dictionary Entry) (Dictionary)
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