Derived Indicator (Dictionary Entry)


Derived Indicator


Definition 3.11 An indicator is derived if it is obtained through the manipulation/ synthesis/aggregation/fusion of one or more (sub)indicators.

(, p. 73)

Derived indicators. They are obtained combining the information of one or more
(sub)indicators (basic or derived).

A derived indicator transforms and/or aggregates the information of the sub-indicators into a single synthetic indicator. For this reason, derived indicators may contribute to simplify the process representation.

(, p. 92)

The concept of derived indicator can also be interpreted according to the representation theory of indicator. The empirical system of a derived indicator is replaced with the combination of the symbolic manifestations of sub-indicators (e.g., through the Cartesian product). This combination is then homomorphically mapped into further symbolic manifestations (see Fig. 4.5).

(, p. 92-93)

See Also


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