Orphan Process (Dictionary Entry)

Orphan Process

Alternative Forms

  • Orphan


Definition 1 Computer Science, Linux

In Linux, a process whose parent is dead. An orphan process is automatically made a child of init.

Related Terms


Before a process can be allowed to disappear completely, the kernel requires that
its death be acknowledged by the process’s parent, which the parent does with a
call to wait. The parent receives a copy of the child’s exit code (or an indication of
why the child was killed if the child did not exit voluntarily) and can also obtain a
summary of the child’s use of resources if it wishes.

This scheme works fine if parents outlive their children and are conscientious
about calling wait so that dead processes can be disposed of. If the parent dies
first, however, the kernel recognizes that no wait will be forthcoming and adjusts
the process to make the orphan a child of init. init politely accepts these orphaned
processes and performs the wait needed to get rid of them when they die.


See Also

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