Information Asset (Dictionary Entry)

Information Asset (Dictionary Entry)


Information Security


Information Asset

Alternative Forms



A body of information, defined and managed as a single unit so it can be understood, shared, protected and exploited effectively. It has recognisable and manageable value, risk, content and lifecycles.

Related Terms

  • Asset

  • Information


3.1 What is an information asset?

In order to understand your information and how to manage and protect it, it is vital to first understand what we mean by the term ‘information asset’ and how this definition can simplify the process.

An information asset is a body of information, defined and managed as a single unit so it can be understood, shared, protected and exploited effectively.

Information assets have recognisable and manageable value, risk, content and lifecycles.

The key concept here is to group your individual pieces of information into manageable portions; if you had to individually assess every individual file, database entry and piece of data you hold you would likely have a list of millions of items and an impossible task. By grouping items at a level to match your objectives you can make the task actually achievable.

3.2 How do you identify an information asset?

You should identify your assets according to the definitions above, considering the level of granularity that is required to meet your objectives. An information asset is defined at a level of detail that allows its constituent parts to be managed usefully as a single unit.

The case studies in the Appendix provide some examples of how different objectives can be met by varying the granularity of your information assets.



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